Oil and Gas Coworking

Oil and gas industry employees with business development responsibilities gravitate to YourOffice for the synergy provided in our facility.  If you office with YourOffice, you’ll share office space with dozens of other energy industry professionals.  Our typical renter of office space is a single representative of a larger oil service company headquartered in another state.  These representatives sell their niche products to industry producers in the Williston, Powder River, and DJ Basins.     Theses companies sell to unique oil industry niches such as tubing, wire line services, drill pipe, water, sand, drilling or fracking services.   Because of their narrow niches, the reps typically do not compete with others in our facility.  This creates a cooperative environment where people share sales opportunities, marketing efforts and overall business success.



Joint Marketing Efforts for the Petroleum Industry

Our office renters often combine their marketing budgets to plan energy industry events.   One of our most visible partners is Oil Connect, a marketing company that exclusively targets the energy industry.  Oil Connect hosts industry exclusive events for multiple sponsors in the petroleum industry combining.   By combining their budgets Oil Connect is able to create very memorable events in each region of the country.  Oil Connect also provides marketing services such as website development and digital marketing services focused on the energy industry.


Recruiting Assistance for Energy Professionals

YourOffice enables your recruiting efforts because of our current office occupants and industry recruiting professionals.  As your company grows within the Denver area you’ll find it easy to locate quality energy industry employees.


Located Near Your Oil and Gas Customers

If you are responsible for business development efforts  in the western region, you’ll benefit from having your office with us.  We are located a short walk from most of your oil and gas customers including EOG Resources which is located in our building.  For more information regarding our office rentals, click here or call 303-260-6400.


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